If you have irregular periods, mild pain, or pregnancy failure, you don’t need to see a doctor until you notice severe symptoms like abnormal bleeding. The reduction or thinning of endometrial thickness is a typical cause of these symptoms in women. (Tips on How to Increase Endometrial Thickness)
Surprisingly, out of every 100 women with endometrial thinness, 90 of them had an irregular diet to blame.
In fact, we will see about 50 cases of endometrial thinness in our hospital every month. More than 80% of them will be relieved just by making minor dietary changes.
Let’s walk through the 6 Scientifically Proven Tips on How to Increase Endometrial Thickness in 2 days.
What is Endometrial Thickness?

Endometrial Thickness, Uterine Lining, and Endometrial Lining Thickness are all interchangeable terms. It refers to the thickness of the uterus’s innermost layer. There are three layers in the uterus, with the endometrium being the innermost and thickest of them all.
Endometrial changes occur during the menstruation cycle, which means the thickness of the endometrium will rise regularly before dissolving with the menstrual fluid. Then it grows and goes again. The cycle continues.
Why do we have to maintain Endometrial Thickness?

In pregnancy, endometrial thickness is crucial. An endometrium that is neither too thin nor too thick is linked to the highest odds for a healthy, full-term pregnancy, according to medical experts. This enables the embryo to effectively implant and obtain the nourishment it requires. As the pregnancy continues, the endometrium thickens.
If endometrial thickness is not maintained during the pregnancy, it may result in abortion or miscarriage. The embryo may separate from the endometrium and seep out in this case.
What will happen if we couldn't maintain Endometrial Thickness?

As I previously stated, the endometrial thickness should be kept steady, not thicker or thinner. If you couldn’t, you’d have to pay the price.
Endometrial Thickness Normal Size
During Menstruation: During the initial days, Endometrial thickness will be around 8mm. The endometrium thickens up to 11 mm as the period develops and approaches closer to ovulation (14th day). About 14 days into a menstruation cycle, hormones trigger the release of an egg. During this secretory phase, endometrial thickness is at its greatest and can reach 16 mm.
After Menopause: Normal Endometrial Thickness is considered to be less than 5 mm and if its the safety line.
During Pregnancy: As per the recent study, As the pregnancy goes, Endometrium Thickens from 8mm to it can reach up to 11mm.
Women will have Endometrial Thickness loss at these 3 periods and will have 3 different issues.
1. Pregnancy Failure
The only issue they face is that one has been unable to conceive despite many intercourses. For successful embryo implantation, the uterine lining must be at least 8 mm thick. If the uterine lining is too thin, implantation may not occur, resulting in pregnancy failure.
2. Postmenopausal Bleeding
Endometrial thickness of less than 5 mm is regarded normal in postmenopausal women with vaginal bleeding, whereas thicknesses of more than 5 mm are deemed problematic.
3. Abortion
If endometrial thickness is not maintained during the pregnancy, it may result in abortion or miscarriage. The embryo may separate from the endometrium and seep out in this case.
How to identify the Endometrial Thickness by yourself?

For general people, there is no way of identifying their own endometrial thickness. However, based on the symptoms, we may presume that the endometrium is thin and that we need to act quickly.
Symptoms for Endometrial thinness
- Issues pertaining to infertility
- Abnormal or irregular menstrual cycle
- Irregular or painful menses
- Inadequate menstrual bleeding
On the other hand, you may expect an accurate measurement of your endometrial thickness in the hospital.
Ultrasound is the most popular method for determining endometrial thickness. It’s the procedure that doctors turn to first, especially if a woman has complained of irregular vaginal bleeding.
When ultrasound isn’t an option, doctors turn to MRI. This is generally due to the position of a woman’s uterus or other health issues.
How to increase Endometrial Thickness by food

The odds of egg implantation are reduced when the endometrium is thin. Furthermore, while medical treatments are the primary therapy for endometrial thickening, some research shows that diet may have a role. So, if you’re looking to thicken your uterine lining, I’ve got four dietary suggestions for you.
1. Vitamin E Supplementation
In one short research project, 59 women with endometriosis took part in the study. Vitamin E and vitamin C supplements of 1,200 international units (IU) and 1,000 IU were given to the participants. Chronic pelvic discomfort was reduced, and inflammation was reduced, according to the findings.
Vitamin E supplementation has been shown in several trials to help thicken the uterine lining. And, while vitamin E may be found in foods like
- almonds,
- seeds, and
- avocados,
the quantities utilized in research studies are far larger than what you’d get from your diet.
Most women need approximately 7 mg of vitamin E per day, which can easily be obtained through a balanced diet, but the doses utilized in the study were over 700mg per day. If you’re considering taking nutritional supplements, I’d strongly advise you to check with your doctor first to make sure they’re safe for you, and please stop taking them once you’re pregnant, since big doses of vitamin E have been linked to abdominal pain and premature rupture of the amniotic sac.
2. L-arginine Supplementation
In fact in a Medical study with 30 patients with a history of infertility, who had thin endometrium measuring < 7mm, after consuming L-Arginine for 5 days 89%(24) of patients gained endometrial thickness more than 7mm.
L-arginine is another supplement that is often used to thicken the uterine lining, and it has a limited amount of studies to back it up. L-arginine is an amino acid that aids in protein synthesis. It’s also recognized for increasing blood flow by loosening blood vessels. Although your body produces enough L-arginine, it may also be found in most protein-rich meals such as
- fish,
- red meat,
- chicken,
- soy,
- whole grains,
- beans, and
- dairy products.
Although it’s normally a healthy supplement, I always advise discussing it with your health care provider before starting one.
3. A wholegrain-rich diet
A study was conducted with 273 women who collectively underwent 427 IVF cycles. They separated into two groups and administered with a high whole grain-rich diet and a low whole grain-rich diet. IVF implantation success rate was marked about 53% for High profile and 35% for low profile. And the research showed endometrial thickness increased per day is 0.4mm when you consume about 28g of whole grain.
- Dark seedy bread,
- brown rice,
- quinoa,
- couscous and
- even popcorn
are all whole grains. Carbohydrates, protein, fiber, B vitamins, and antioxidants are all abundant in whole grains. It’s advised that we eat at least 48 grams of whole grains every day, but most women don’t even come close. According to a fascinating study, women who ate more whole grains had a better likelihood of implantation following IVF. According to studies, the uterine lining grew by 0.4 mm for every additional serving of whole grains had every day.
4. Eat fatty fish 2 to 3 times every week
A case-control study was done in which the results came with fish oil supplement usage was significantly associated with reduced risk of endometrial cancer.
Omega 3 has been proven to be beneficial for improving blood flow to the uterus, which is necessary for thickening your endometrium. Oily fish is one of the greatest sources of omega 3.
5. N-Acetyl-Cysteine Supplementation
A prospective study was done by the global journal of reproductive medicine shows that Ovulation and conception rate was higher in the Clomiphene Citrate-N-Acetyl Cysteine group (96.42%;72.22%) than with the Clomiphene Citrate group.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is an incredible supplement. It has been shown to increase endometrial thickness, promote ovulation, attract mature follicles, lower insulin sensitivity, and break down endometriomas! Woah. N-Acetyl-Cysteine rich foods are
- Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower,
- Allium vegetables, such as garlic and onions,
- Nuts,
- Legumes.
6. Fruits: Lemon, lime, orange, pomegranate, and watermelon
What do all of these fruits have in common? Nitric oxide is produced by them. Nitric oxide causes your blood vessels to dilate, allowing more blood to reach your uterus and build up the lining. Pomegranates are nature’s Viagra because they work similarly to Viagra.
Exercise to induce the endometrial thickness

There hasn’t been a proper study that shows that exercising properly increases endometrial thickness. In fact, one study found that engaging in physical activity and exercising has a favorable effect on decreasing endometrial thickness and restoring normalcy from endometrial hypertrophy. If you think you could increase your endometrial thickness if you exercise quite well, this research may be for you. As a result, exercising has been shown to have a negative impact on endometrial hypotrophy in studies. And this goes the same for Yoga as well.
Acupuncture (including electro-acupuncture)
On the other hand, a meta-analytical study showed a very low to moderate level of evidence that acupuncture may improve pregnancy rate and thicken endometrium.
Acupuncture is used to help with embryo implantation and blood flow in the pelvis. It promotes endometrial thickness by lowering uterine artery stress. Acupuncture before embryo transfer and on the day of transfer has been demonstrated in several studies to boost pregnancy rates statistically significantly.
Treatment for patients with thin Endometrium
- Hysteroscopic adhesiolysis,
- hormonal manipulation with estrogen and
- GnRH-agonist,
- vasoactive measures such as aspirin,
- vitamin E,
- pentoxifylline,
- l-arginine, or sildenafil,
- intra-uterine infusion of a growth factor such as G-CSF, and
- the recent application of regenerative medicine has all been offered to patients with “thin” endometrium.
Despite the wide range of treatment options, the majority of them achieve only slight changes in endometrial thickness and subsequent conception rate, and when they fail, patients are typically recommended to surrogacy.
Is 14 mm endometrial thickness normal?
As per PubMed research, a 14 mm endometrial thickness is normal only when you are at the ending time of the menstruation cycle about 26 to 28 days (Ending of Luteal phase). After which the next cycle starts and the endometrium usually sheds off within 1 to 4 days of the next cycle (Starting of follicular Phase).
Apart from that time 14 mm endometrial thickness is abnormal. It might be a sign of either endometriosis or endometrial cancer
What is the Endometrial thickness normal range?
For a women under mentrual cycle it may vary from 8mm to 16mm depends on which stage of cycle there are currently in.
For a pregnant mother also it vary from 8mm to 11 mm depends on which trimester of pregnancy they are currently in.
For a postmenopausal women average thickness of endometrium is below 5mm.
What is the normal endometrial thickness in cm?
For a women under mentrual cycle it may vary from 0.8 cm to 1.6 cm depends on which stage of cycle there are currently in.
For a pregnant mother also it vary from 0.8 cm to 1.1 cm depends on which trimester of pregnancy they are currently in.
For a postmenopausal women average thickness of endometrium is below 0.5 cm.
What is the Endometrial thickness before the period?
As per the studies on endometrial thickness for girls who didn’t attain puberty (No period),
The mean Endometrial thickness in girls less than 6 years of age is less than or equal to 0.22 cm
In prepubertal girls (6–10 years old), Endometrial thickness averages 0.51 cm
In premenarchal girls (11–12 years old), Endometrial thickness averages 0.89 cm
In postmenarchal girls (13 to the age of puberty), the Endometrial thickness averages 4.44 cm.
What does 15 mm endometrial thickness mean?
As per PubMed research, a 15 mm endometrial thickness is normal only when you are at the ending time of the menstruation cycle about 26 to 28 days (Ending of Luteal phase). After which the next cycle starts and the endometrium usually sheds off within 1 to 4 days of the next cycle (Starting of follicular Phase).
Apart from that time 15 mm endometrial thickness is abnormal. It might be a sign of either endometriosis or endometrial cancer
Can endometrial thickness indicate early pregnancy?
When a fertilised egg is implanted into the endometrium during the early stages of pregnancy, its thickness is roughly 8 mm. In the later stages of pregnancy, imaging tests performed may reveal an endometrial stripe of 2 mm or more. As a result, there will be no notable changes in endometrial thickness in early pregnancy as compared to normal women.
What is the premenopausal normal range of Endometrial thickness?
For a premenopausal women under mentrual cycle it may vary from 8mm to 16mm depends on which stage of cycle there are currently in.
What will be the endometrial thickness in 4 weeks pregnant?
In the weeks of pregnancy, imaging tests performed may reveal an endometrial stripe of 2 mm or more.
What is the endometrial thickness on day 11?
In the late proliferative phase (follicular phase), which lasts 11 to 14 days, the endometrial thickness is around 11 mm. During this phase, the glands will coil and become closely packed together.
What is the normal endometrial thickness for pregnancy?
For a pregnant mother also it vary from 0.8 cm to 1.1 cm depends on which trimester of pregnancy they are currently in.
I hope I’ve answered most of your queries and explained why you came to read this page. Let me hear from you in the comments section!
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