Midlothian High School football coach died: After battling Stage 4 cancer, the football coach of Midlothian High School passes away. Let’s see Who was Clif white and Clif white cause of death in detail
Clif white cause of death
Texas’ MIDLOTHIAN -This past weekend, a well-liked football coach at Midlothian High School lost his battle with cancer.
After a six-month struggle with a rare form of bladder cancer, Clif White passed away. In May, a stage four cancer diagnosis was made for him.
Coworkers of the 37-year-old reported that they celebrated his birthday with them on Saturday night, but only a few hours later, he passed away peacefully.
White persisted in coaching his freshmen football squad and helping the varsity team despite undergoing three rounds of chemotherapy and numerous operations.
On the campus of Midlothian High School, Sunday was a gloomy day. After White died overnight, students, faculty, and members of the community entered the arena for a reason that many weren’t prepared for.
The event on Sunday was supposed to be a birthday party for the coach, but White’s widow specifically requested that it be a safe place to grieve. The majority of his students likewise wanted to ensure that his life was honored. “His spirit will continue to be felt in our softball and football locker rooms.
He’s been here for twelve years. Doug Wendel, the head football coach at Midlothian, described it as “just a fantastic, special present.” In May, White received the rare diagnosis of Stage IV urachal cancer, which begins to develop when a person is still in the womb. Wendel describes White as the city’s greatest inspiration.
Wendel praised the players for “truly representing Midlothian High School” and for “just being a beacon of light to our students, faculty, and athletes.”
Coach White and his wife Meagan spoke with FOX 4 only a few weeks ago on homecoming night. “Do what you’re supposed to do, enjoy yourself while doing it, and when it’s through, let’s a party. Sure, sir. White informed his crew, “I adore every one of you.
White ensured that his Panthers won by walking the sidelines with an oxygen pack. “We both agreed that we would ask questions such, as ‘What is cancer?’ but not ‘Why?’ We won’t inquire of God as to “why,” stated White.
Coach Wendel reported that White’s condition had since gotten worse. White nevertheless came to work. Wendel had a team meeting on Sunday. There’s no doubt that he would have expected to practice and play this week, he continued. The Midlothian neighborhood worked together for months to raise money for medical bills a neighborhood that will stick behind the White family during this unthinkable loss.
Wendel asserted, “I believe he’s brought out the best in Ellis County, Midlothian, Texas, and Midlothian High School.” The mayor of Midlothian proclaimed October 16 as Coach Clif White Day during the memorial service held on Sunday.
On Friday, Midlothian, which is unbeaten so far this year, will play at home. Along the way, they intend to play and pay tribute to coach White.
Tributes paid to Coach Clif White
For their beloved coach Clif White, fans created the hashtag #fightlikecoachwhite and recounted White’s battle with cancer on the hashtag’s official page.
Sona tweeted,
What a tragic situation. He Sounds like a man that I would want my child to teach.
Gloria said,
So sorry to hear that he passed away. Our thoughts and prayers for his family and the Midlothian community
Christine said,

I’m saddened to hear this. Sending lots of love and prayers to his school and his family
Ashley posted,
My friend Misty Dunbar, who’s daughter goes to midlothian, posted about this and it hits close to home. My friend Angela Marek passed 2 days ago and they seemed to be fighting Cancer for almost the same amount of time. They were also almost the same age. 37 is just so young. Hugs and prayers
Sana posted,
Prayers for peace and comfort for family.. Coach fought the #fightlikecoachwhite
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