10 qualities of a successful NEET student – NEET UG 2021

10 qualities of a successful NEET student


Being NEET aspirants, we are always working towards the process of building the qualities that would help us become successful NEET students. But instead of finding the right qualities of a successful student, we end up thinking differently. A few are,

  • Fantasizing about our future Medical college lives the most of the time.
  • Feels hopeless and sad at some point in our lives.
  • Constantly annoying biology facts, chemical combinations, and physics difficulties.
  • More expectation from Parent’s and well-wisher’s
  • Getting exhausted by the never-ending minor and major exams at our coaching centers and yes I know mock tests these days.
  • Even sometimes thinking like these YouTube kids are making fun of our lives.

Of course, I am aware of each and every aspect of your feelings. That could be because NEET was my partner for two years. I learned every inch of NEET because I was highly unlucky, neither an English nor a Hindi medium student, had no NEET coaching institutes for my regional language and was a state board student.

Being a kind person (please don’t come to me), I think I can share some of my experiences and qualities that I discovered through the NEET coaching process. I also added some of the pro tips, how I overcome a few distractions, and the strategies to follow every quality.

So this is the post that I would have read when I started NEET coaching years ago and these are the 10 qualities of a successful NEET student. So relax, take a seat in a chair, get a cup of coffee, and let’s get started…


1. Starting mission early


Starting mission early-Qualities of NEET student


Have you ever heard the phrases,

Never do tomorrow what you can do today

“The early bird catches the worm”
If you start the work early, you have a higher chance of success. PROCRASTINATION is the thief of time?

Cramming the day before a test is a bad habit to get into since you have to integrate and assimilate a lot of knowledge in a short amount of time. You can’t be sure how well you’ll do on the test with this kind of preparation. Preparing for an exam, especially a competitive exam like NEET, may be time-consuming and tedious. Early and systematic preparation is the key to a good score. Staying ahead of the competition and sticking to a time-bound study schedule are two ways to assure exam preparedness. Let me explain why this starting mission early becomes took the first place of qualities of a successful NEET student.

Why should we start preparing early?

  • Start early and don’t stay up all night since your brain needs time to instinctively process all you’ve given it. Also, make sure you obtain a full night’s sleep maximum every day.
  • Starting your preparation early will offer you more time to become familiar with your NEET curriculum, allowing you to explore more topics and the ins and outs of each chapter, as well as the associated questions.
  • Starting early also allows you to complete mock tests and the previous year’s question papers. It provides you to mentally and physically prepare for the exam, allowing you to withstand the pressure and do calculations and other tasks quickly.

How can you start preparing early for NEET?

Obviously, if you want to learn more, you’ll start planning ahead of time, regardless of the time constraints. But, in order to get into the mindset of exploring new things, not being bored during your study time, and starting the preparation early, I’ll share an approach that I use. It could work for you, but I’m not saying it has to work for everyone. So focus on the process and give it a shot.

I call it “Global Divide and Conquer Strategy“.

Grab some color markers and pieces of paper, preferably a butcher roll or newspaper roll. Each piece of paper should be framed and hung on the wall.

Sort three subjects into three categories on three of the room’s walls. Start with one chapter of a subject, for example, if you’re starting with Organic Chemistry, you’ll need to write down all of the named reactions on the piece of paper. Similarly, you will learn which items should be recorded on the board from every chapter, the most difficult part of course. This is simple to do because you started early. Also if you take this approach to the NEET right from the beginning, it will be much easier to revise and answer questions later.


2. An inquiring mind and Pursuit of Knowledge


An inquiring mind and Pursuit of Knowledge


Having an inquiring mind is the secret of creative and successful people. Inquiring mindset actually has three different aspects and these are interconnected. Let me explain why this inquiring mind and the pursuit of knowledge become one of the important qualities of a successful NEET student.

  • Having an exploring mindset – When we are fascinated by something new, we want to explore more about it. And it is during exploring that we make discoveries. Through discovery, we learn. Actually, the inquiring mind fuels this positive learning loop.
  • Independent thought – When we develop independent thought, we develop an inquiring mind, which eventually leads to questioning.
  • Brain’s natural process – Our brain has developed with a neural network dedicated to learning. When we observe something new, our brain nerve cells generate branching fibers (dendrites), and when we use our natural learning process, the brain creates pleasure chemicals (endorphins), which naturally encourage us to learn more.

The first and third aspects are not directly under our control. These are things that have formed as a result of our childhood lifestyle and point of view.

Independent thinking, on the other hand, is something we can genuinely control ourselves. For example, most students hate studying organic chemistry. Taking this as an initiative, if you think independently, your mindset will coalesce into something like, “Let me see myself or Organic chemistry, who will win this battle?” As a result, independent thought leads to an inquiring mindset, and you will eventually discover things that ordinary people do not.

The pursuit of knowledge simply refers to a person rushing towards a goal or a solution to a problem. As a result, every one of you will undoubtedly have some form of NEET-related goal. Don’t stop working towards your objective until you’ve achieved it. Make it a daily goal to learn something new.


3. Consistency


Consistency - Qualities of successful NEET student


I understand that maintaining consistency is the most difficult endeavor, but if you conquer it, you will emerge victoriously. Considering consistency is also one of the important qualities of a successful NEET student and it is directly interconnected with time management. Here are some items that I believe will be beneficial in some manner. 

  • Sort out your plan first…for example, you have to do this much in the next 6 months, then this much in the next month, and so on…and you know what, this will keep you active and moving.
  • Yes, I understand that there are moments when you doubt your level of preparation when negative thoughts surround you and try to make you inconsistent, but no matter what the circumstance is, keep negativity at bay until the test day. Watch inspirational clips, read inspirational articles, and statements.
  • Health concerns or family troubles might be a stumbling obstacle, which is almost always unavoidable. As far as I’ve seen, people will assess you based on the grades you received rather than the difficulties you had during the preparation process. So, don’t let these problems bother you.
  • Never procrastinate because it will push you further away from your objective.

How to be consistent in studies?

  • Ensure you have the appropriate environment
    • When studying, make sure you have a good table and a comfy chair. When studying, you must sit at your desk as much as possible.
    • Make sure you have all of the necessary materials, including textbooks, notebooks, guides, digests, a pen, pencil, ruler, and other tools, as well as water and snacks. Otherwise, an absence of any of them might be a source of distraction, causing you to spend time and lose your momentum and rhythm while looking for it.
    • Ensure that your desk has appropriate lighting so that you do not become tired or distracted due to a lack of light.
  • Make a clear and deliberate decision to make the most use of your study time
    • This is the most difficult part of all because you can’t outsource it and have someone else do it for you. You must be self-disciplined enough to stick to the schedule you have established for yourself. You have no excuse for not following your schedule.
    • To stay motivated, find the right internal motivation. This is the key to effectively organizing your schedule. Visualize how you completed the first day’s portion and use it as motivation to complete the second day’s part.
    • Find a method to enjoy the process of learning. Unless you like the process or can see the long-term benefits of your hard effort, studying will be tiresome and monotonous.


4. Time-management skills


Time-management skills- NEET UG 2021


The two basic tactics that hide behind long-term memory are studying and revising. We normally intend to make three or four revisions before the exams, but we only wind up revising one time without properly completing them. Yes, even though we are committed to the aim, our schedule and lifestyle are insufficiently productive.

So there comes the third tactic good Time Management. This can help you conquer and build your long-term memory.

Sometimes it’s obvious that when you’re working hard to achieve a goal, it’s critical to manage your time well. There are unquestionably several advantages to using time management techniques. Also, It is said that a stitch in time saves nine. In other words, A timely effort will save time and effort in the future.

Of course, comparing your board exams, NEET is a test in which you must cover a large syllabus in a short amount of time, and many aspirants struggle to manage their time efficiently, which increases their stress levels and leads to failing to reach the destination sometimes. In contrast, better time management leads to increased efficiency and productivity, reduced stress, and more life success.

It is the base for every entrepreneur and becomes one of the most important qualities of a successful NEET student. Let me give you some tips to become a master of time management.

5 steps of time management

  • Wake up early – You may be a night owl or early bird it doesn’t matter. But always wake up before the sunrise which gives a positive mindset to accomplish a productive day.
  • Properly set your target – establish a target that is both attainable and measurable. When setting the target, use the SMART technique means your targets should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.
  • Prioritize wisely – You must first decide which topic is the most important mainly add the topic in which you are weak then to a descending fashion of strong subjects.
  • Set time limits for completing tasks – Setting time limits for tasks allows you to be more focused and efficient. However, before you set up, make sure that the time limit is sufficient to finish the work.
  • Set a break from one work to the next – It’s more difficult to stay focused and motivated when you’re completing a lot of tasks without taking a break. Allow yourself some rest in between tasks to clear your mind and recharge your batteries. You can, for example, do your hobbies in this limited period, such as editing, content writing, or creating music.

Time management hacks for NEET aspirants

There are some strategies to hold the time in our finger tips and this will help you to easily master the time management, the most wanted qualities of a successful NEET student.

  • Studying hours You need just 6 to 8 hours of proper study for the initial days that’s enough. Don’t engage too much that ultimately collapse your productivity as well as health.
  • Eliminate digital distractions –  While studying or doing a task don’t get distracted by the notification sounds of your mobile phones instead turn off the notification or the mobile.
  • Good start good ending – Start your day with nature or small exercise or even meditation in the morning instead of straight away taking mobiles and responding to messages. Then only your day turns to be productive and ends with a positive mindset for the next day.
  • Digital To-do list – Use Google calendar if you want to set up your To-do list digitally. One useful aspect is that it notifies you when the task begins


5. Astonishing memory power


Memory power - 10 qualities of successful students


When learning a new subject, it’s natural to believe that the more effort you put in, the better you’ll do. However, after roughly an hour of studying a chapter. Simply dim the lights, sit back, and enjoy 10-15 minutes of calm contemplation, and you’ll find that your recall of the data you’ve just learned will be significantly better than if you tried to do something more productive with that time.

Although it’s common knowledge that we should pace our studies, new research shows that during these study breaks, we should aim for “minimal interference,” avoiding any activity that could interfere with memory building.

So forget about doing errands, reading emails, or surfing the web on your phone. You should definitely give your brain enough time to develop those memory neurons.

The German psychologist Muller and his student Pilzecker were the first to establish the extraordinary memory-boosting advantages of undisturbed rest in 1900.

They had their volunteers memorize a list of meaningless syllables initially. After a brief study period, half of the group was given a new list to memorize, while the other half was given a six-minute break before proceeding. The two groups showed substantially different patterns of memory when evaluated 1.5 hours later. Participants who were given a break remembered nearly 50% of their list, compared to only 28% for those who were not given any time to replenish their brain batteries.

The findings revealed that human memory for new information is especially vulnerable right after it is encoded, making it more sensitive to fresh information interference.

While it may appear that studying and rehearsing knowledge is the greatest method to ensure that you remember it, studies have discovered that having information tested is one of the most effective strategies to increase memory.

Let me comprise you all the ways to increase memory power, one of the vital qualities of a successful NEET student.

How to increase memory power in students?

  • Take roughly 5 to 7 minutes of mental relaxation after studying for half an hour on a topic to enhance memory neuron production. During this time, avoid using your phone or interacting with people.
  • Instead of rehearsing around 2 to 3 times after studying a chapter, take an exam on that chapter, as I mentioned before, to build memory more successfully.
  • Instead of just knowing the subject, drawing a mental picture of mechanisms, reactions, and concepts will improve memory.
  • A simple failure to recover information from memory is one of the most common causes of forgetting things. This happens when memories aren’t used very often, causing them to deteriorate with time. This is the time for you to revise things.


6. Ability to concentrate


Ability to concentrate- Qualities of neet student


Be like Arjuna, and concentrate just on the fish’s eye

This quality will always take precedence because it is the most important factor to consider during the preparation process. What good is studying if you can’t concentrate because you won’t be able to grasp the concept of the topic, and that topic will take up a lot of your time? Let’s look at how to maintain concentration and combine the sixth and third qualities of a successful NEET student.

When you concentrate on your goal, other things fade away, but if you concentrate on other things, your goal fades away. As a result, concentrate solely on your goal. If you can stay away from social media and other mobile-associated distractions, that is a great strength because it matters a lot as well.

Anything you study under extreme stress will never yield any results, so be aware. According to a survey, pressure is the most important factor in explaining NEET aspirants’ daily concentration loss of 2 to 3 hours.

What methods can I use to improve my concentration while studying?

  • Coffee in small doses Caffeine’s cognitive-enhancing properties can only be realized if it is consumed in moderation. If you drink too much of it, you may end up feeling anxious or nervous, which generally reduces your ability to stay focused.
  • Practice the Pomodoro technique – This method of timing aids in the training of your brain to stay focused for short periods of time.
    • Start by setting a timer for 25 minutes.
    • Take a 5-minute break when the buzzer sounds.
    • After that, re-set the timer and get back to work.
    • After you’ve completed four rounds, you can take a longer break of 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Getting enough sleep – Short- and long-term memory, as well as your ability to concentrate, can be harmed by not getting enough sleep most nights of the week. Adults aged 18 to 60 years old should get at least 7 hours of sleep per night, according to scientific facts.


7. Do not ignore physics and organic chemistry


Do not ignore physics and chemistry


Nothing should be skipped, especially in physics and chemistry. I’ve seen that the majority of my colleagues and junior students have skipped a few topics from the NCERT syllabus and after the exam has come to the conclusion that they should have studied them before.

The reason for this is because we constantly think a few chapters from physics and chemistry are difficult, so we skip through them instead of studying. However, NEET has a disadvantage for everyone, unless you are unlucky. Actually, everything you didn’t study or skipped will contain basic questions that are simple to answer if we know the basics. In your revised chapters, on the other hand, you will find questions at the Ph.D. level. As a result, I recommend that you do not miss any NCERT subjects or concepts that you find difficult.

If you truly believe a chapter is difficult, at the very least learn the basics. If you’re lucky, they’ll ask you some straightforward questions from that chapter. Lets see as a NEET student how you can approach physics and chemistry to become master one of the most important qualities of a successful NEET student.

How to approach physics for neet

  • Get the concepts crystal clear – You can’t actually study NCERT for physics; instead, use your coaching center’s book or GRB, DC Pandey, etc. Once you’ve grasped the topic, you’ll be able to answer 40% of the questions on your own.
  • Learn Formulas – The core of physics is formulas. The most critical step in preparing for Physics is to learn formulas. So, at least once a week, try to grasp those formulae. For each chapter, make an effective formula and concept note.
  • Refer to the Best Books – In my knowledge GRB and DC Pandey are the best books for Physics reference.
  • Solve Previous Year Question Papers – After referring to the concepts from one of the reference books you can try to solve the previous year’s questions from the chapter along with the normal questions.
  • Make notes – Make a list of all the relevant formulae, theorems, and concepts during your preparation and solving questions. Physics Notes for NEET can help you in learning ideas and in preparing for the exam more quickly at the last minute.
  • Take Mock Exams Online – Taking Online Mock Tests might assist you to figure out where you stand in terms of preparation. It will also assist you in identifying your weak points.

How to prepare chemistry for neet

  • Physical Chemistry – Many Neet aspirants drop out of Physical Chemistry because they are afraid of math. However, this is not the case. Only 3–4 of the 15 physical questions need math.
  • Inorganic Chemistry – Specifically, follow NCERT for inorganic chemistry as you would in biology. NCERT is responsible for 14 of the 15 inorganic questions. It takes time to read each line of NCERT and absorb all of the facts and equations, but it’s totally worth it.
  • Organic Chemistry – If your goal is to solve 10 questions out of 15, then learn all of the named reactions in Organic Chemistry. However, if you want to solve 13–14, you must first understand the mechanism and all of the concepts involved in the reaction.


8. Revision and practicing questions


Revision and practicing questions


If you had to choose between practicing questions and revisions, which would you choose? Of course, I’d say both. Because it’s a battle between acquiring new information and retaining old information. However, you can specify preferences based on the amount of time you have available. But be cautious about when to begin practicing questions and when to start revisions. However, after reading this heading, you will understand why I am so concerned. Lets see revision  and practing questions become one of the important qualities of a successful NEET student.

In my experience, I didn’t start revising chapters until it was only 10 days for the exams. It was a major disadvantage because I was more concerned with learning new things than with revising and retaining my previous knowledge. During my examination, this backstabbed me and I was in a predicament where I had in-depth JEE Advanced level knowledge in most of the physics and chemistry chapters but had forgotten 30% of the biology chapters I had previously studied. This occurred as a result of my failure to effectively complete my revisions. However, because I had a solid understanding of physics and chemistry, I was able to be successful at the end of the day.

After that, I read an article on Quora from a NEET AIR 431 student who stated he started revising a month before the exams and that it worked well for him. The majority of people in the comment area agreed with that assertion.

That is why, if there is anything new you want to learn, please do so before the NEET tests start in a month. It was an experimental fact from the majority of NEET aspirants, not a warning.

In addition, according to my YouTube survey, 50% of my subscribers completed their NEET portions before May 2021. This means they completed it two months before the examinations, which is fantastic, and they can start revising from June onwards, giving them more time to acquire new knowledge. About 29% of them completed 75% of the portion, and I’m sure they’ll finish the rest before the end of June. Which, I suppose, will give them a solid month of revising. And the remaining of them genuinely stated that they had accomplished half of the task. I’m hoping that these students will conclude their studies by July 10 and begin their revisions on July 11.

How to revise for neet in 1 month?

  • The best option for Biology is to use the NCERT textbook. Revise one chapter of Biology from the NCERT textbook each day. NCERT solves 90% of Biology questions. Inorganic chemistry is the same way – focus on the NCERT textbook.
  • Memorize all important formulas, concepts, and reactions in physics and chemistry.
  • In Organic Chemistry, reactions and mechanisms are important. Practice Multiple Choice Questions as much as possible.
  • The application and execution of formulas are what physics is all about. Practice solving MCQs once you’ve memorized all of the applications and formulas.
  • Make it a habit to study at least one chapter per subject per day.


9. Self-Confidence


Self-Confidence -Qualities of successful students


A confident person does what they believe is right, even if it is unpopular; is willing to take risks; admits and learns from their mistakes, and can accept compliments. Why did I include self-confidence here? Because it is the most important inner quality that everyone requires to achieve their objectives. Being a inner quality self confidence becomes one of the most wanted qualities of a successful NEET student.

Instead of worrying about the large number of people who will appear in NEET this year, one should be confident in one’s own preparation. Lack of self-confidence causes stress, which leads to failure.

Also, failures occur frequently during preparations in various forms, such as failure to achieve a target score in tests, failure to meet a daily goal, and so on. However, a NEET aspirant must be a capable strategist and confident person who can make appropriate changes in his or her approach to avoid making the same mistake twice.

There is a statement which I experienced If you believe you can do it, you’re halfway there. Lets see how one can improve self-confidence and become a master in one of the important qualities of a successful NEET student.

Simple ways to improve your self-confidence

  • Meditation – For starters, it aids in self-awareness and acceptance. Meditation also teaches you to silence negative self-talk and tune out any mental chatter that undermines your self-esteem. Although the hours before sunrise are thought to be ideal for meditation, most experts agree that you can meditate at any time.
  • Be as you are – means don’t try to imitate somebody else. People come and go as frequently as images on a theatre screen. You can’t just post one movie all of the time, and people can’t always stick with you. So, instead of comparing, get to know people and benefit from their experiences. 


10 . Focus on end result


Focus on end result Quality of successful student


This one here is the final and one of the easiest qualities of a successful NEET student that can be easily developed.  It’s all about distancing yourself from the situation where people judge by your temporary results. It won’t be easy at first, but with some simple strategies, you’ll be able to concentrate more on the process. Essentially, you should begin to appreciate the process rather than the temporary outcomes, which are sometimes not possible. Feel every minute as you gradually approaching your destination or goal.

  • Detach from the emotions – Frequently, the outcome or result is monotonous. You’re usually delighted or relieved that you’ve finally made it to the end. The travel, on the other hand, has acted as a Pandora box full of unanticipated happenings. Every step carries with it a new set of feelings. The more emotionally committed you are to the trip, the more likely you are to detach from the result.
  • Make it up as you go along – It’s true that your results aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. For the most part, we are motivated by results. Faking emotions, on the other hand, might be used to fool the subconscious. If the travel is exhausting, cheer yourself up by stating “It’s fantastic. Things are going well for me. My existence now has a purpose.” This is only an example. You may make up your own one-liners to help you think positively about the procedure.

That’s all I’ve got for now. I hope that one day you will be able to write your own NEET success story. And if you got it all the way to the end, please tell me which quality I triggered you here to improve, as well as any ideas you may have.

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