Deputies Assessing Alleged Misconduct involving Football Players at Vista High School. Let’s see about the complaint of Misconduct of Vista High school football players and what happened in detail
What happened at Vista high school?
Private investigation
The superintendent of the Vista Unified School District is requesting information from witnesses regarding suspected misconduct involving members of the Vista High School football team.
According to Superintendent Matt Doyle, the event is being investigated by the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office and, as of Monday, a private investigator who was recommended by the district. An internal district probe was started a week and a half ago, according to Doyle.
In a statement posted Monday night after he presided over a virtual conference for parents, Doyle stated, “A courageous student reported extremely alarming claims of student-to-student behavior in the locker room. We moved swiftly to investigate and improve supervision to assure student safety.”
Principal David Jaffe sent a letter to parents informing them of the situation and outlined an immediate safety action plan for students. EMAIL letter posted below:
The video that was shared on a Facebook post exposing Vista High school players’ actions:
No sexual assaults
UPDATE: School district officials announced that Vista High’s head football coach David Bottom has been placed on temporary administrative leave amid ongoing investigations into players’ misconduct. Both the Sheriff’s Department and school district have determined the incident did not involve a sexual assault.
Doyle stated that there was no sexual assault involved in the reported occurrence. He also announced the dismissal of a coach for the freshman football squad.
According to Doyle’s statement, further disciplinary action for students and employees would be “directed by the information acquired through our inquiry.”
Doyle urged anyone with knowledge to contact either the district’s Human Resources office or private eye Howard Fulfrost through email at
Doyle did not go into specifics on the alleged misbehavior, including who or how many were involved, instead stating that they might include threats made both verbally and physically in the high school locker room.
Additional inquiries
According to the Vista Sheriff’s Department, additional inquiries include:
As per the email from the agency, “on September 2, the Vista Sheriff’s Station was informed by school administrators at Vista High School of an incident involving probable wrongdoing by student-athletes.”
We currently have no reason to believe that kids at Vista High School are at risk. Since that time, the juvenile detective assigned to the Vista Sheriff’s Station has been collaborating with school officials to uncover what truly transpired.
Parents were informed of the issue in a letter from principal David Jaffe, who also provided a timeline for pupils’ immediate safety measures.
Plans range from providing counseling services to stepping up daily locker room supervision by coaches under administrative control.
The superintendent told NBC 7 that the concerns were serious and school officials were taking significant action to address them.
Reviewing video evidence
According to Jaffe, district officials are talking to pupils and looking over video evidence. It is anticipated that the district’s probe will be finished by the end of the week.
In a photo of the incident that has been going viral on social media, a young man is seen sobbing as he is led into a room in the locker room by a larger person and given a bear hug from behind. Then they close the door and lock it.
The young man can be seen lying on the floor with his legs being raised in the air by another person, but much of what happens inside is hidden from view. A student nearby can be seen holding what appears to be a broom.
Laughter and shouts of “rape him” can be heard. The video ends when the door is opened after around 35 seconds and the student exits. The Coast News will not publish or link to the video since it appears to show youngsters in distress.
After charges of misconduct involving football players at Vista High School, parents are still seeking explanations.
Parents attended the school meeting:
As they continue to look for answers to the allegations of wrongdoing made against team members, the parents of certain Vista High School football players are becoming increasingly frustrated.
On Monday, they arrived in the school’s library for a meeting with district and school officials, only to learn at the last minute that it had been moved to Zoom because the principal had tested positive for COVID-19.
Vista High Principal David Jafee provided a timeline of when they claimed they were made aware of this alleged occurrence and how promptly it was shared with parents at the meeting, which lasted about an hour and a half.
The principal claims that the alleged event was brought up to the superintendent of the Vista Unified School District two days after it was initially brought up to a coach on August 31. On September 9, parents were informed via letter.
Because the inquiry is continuing, the school was unable to offer details about what transpired, including the number of players engaged and the potential victims.
According to parents, children no longer feel safe. Many people were so worried that they didn’t want to appear in an interview where their faces would be captured on tape for fear that something would happen to their child.
The district claims to have put in place an emergency safety action plan, which includes daily locker room surveillance, discussions with the entire football team, and counseling for any player who requests it.
The principal of the school has stated that they anticipate this inquiry to be finished swiftly, to know exactly what occurred and what penalties, if any, those involved may incur before the end of this week.
Before the meeting with parents on Monday night, the district superintendent issued ABC 10News the following statement:
People’s reactions on this incident
Elina davis posted,
April Dickinson commented,
Sadly this type of incident is not an isolated incident only coming from the football team. This school is literally riddled with gang violence, so much so that it has forced kids and families out of their sending district. When you report the problems it’s just another day and literally nothing gets done- it can’t possibly because of the large population of gang affiliation that attends this school. It’s mind blowing what gets swept under the rug here.
Magi said,
Why is it always the football players?
Andy tweeted,
I saw the video and that’s fucked up. One of the guys name is Angel
Sylvia posted,
I am mortified that things like this still happens. Sad to see this happen at the High School I attended at. As I read the article a parent suggest to talk to students and teach them what’s right from wrong! This isint elementary! These kids should know what’s right and what’s not! The kids involved are plain stupid and malicious for even thinking of doing such an awful act! I hope they get jail time! Because if I was the parent of the victim. Lord help me. — feeling heartbroken.
Renee posted,
We must put our faith in Jesus before it’s too late. Each day we draw closer to our eternal destiny and we see the world has become a very uncertain place. And what we believe about Jesus Christ will determine where we spend forever. It is an extremely urgent matter because we cannot be sure we will be alive tomorrow. Jesus said you are saved by grace through faith. And faith comes by hearing a message concerning Christ. Jesus said if you continue in my word then you are my disciples.
Leslie posted,
“The boy in the video was not hurt, according to the SDSO” As a child psychologist, are you kidding me??????? This child was traumatized and will likely have emotional scars for the rest of his life. This dismissive attitude makes me sick.
Araceli posted,
Disappointed how this is being handled. This is a minor, that has experienced a traumatic event and probably other incidents that has probably been going on for weeks. He and others are not going to disclose the whole truth. Not only does his classmates know about it, but kids at neighboring schools and other cities. How can you allege no sexual assault and that he wasn’t hurt if an investigation is just being done. Looks like the media already did the investigation and concluded the poor teen that was assaulted is fine. He will deal with the ramifications the rest of his life while the others get a slap on the hand.
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Lavanya (Senior Editor) is a full-time content writer with almost 5 years of experience and a part-time teacher. She joined Medico Topics on the Breaking News trainee scheme in 2022 and now works on As a lifelong learner, She is constantly curious about learning new things and passionate about sharing knowledge with people through her writing and teaching.
There is an active threat going on. The attacker of the autistic kid is claiming he’s going to shoot up the school.