How did Kathy Boudin die? What happened? Cause of death revealed

How did Kathy Boudin die

Kathy Boudin, 78, died of cancer on Sunday in New York after spending decades in prison for her role in the deadly 1981 Brink’s armored truck heist as a participant of the radical militant group Weather Underground. Let’s see how did Kathy Boudin die.


Who was Kathy Boudin?

Kathy Boudin, a 1960s radical and member of the leftist militant group Weather Underground served more than two decades in prison for her role in a deadly robbery before becoming a prominent advocate for criminal-justice reform.

Kathy Boudin was born in 1943, the daughter of civil rights attorney Leonard Boudin and poet Jean Boudin.

Boudin was the mother of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, who successfully lobbied former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo last year to commute the sentence of his father, David Gilbert — who was also a Weather Underground member imprisoned for his role in the stick-up.


Cause of death

Kathy Boudin, a member of the radical Weather Underground in the 1960s and 1970s who took part in the murderous 1981 holdup of a Brink’s armored truck and then helped inmates struggling to get their lives back on track in prison and after being released two decades later, died on Sunday in New York. She was 78 years old.

How did Kathy Boudin die, Cancer was the cause, according to Zayd Dohrn, whose family adopted Ms. Boudin’s son, Chesa Boudin.

Gilbert, Kathy Boudin’s sons Zayd and Malik Dohrn, Chesa Boudin, grandson Aiden Block Boudin, daughter-in-law Valerie Block, and brother Michael Boudin survive her.


How was Kathy Boudin robbed?

Boudin and members of the group collaborated with the Black Liberation Army on the robbery in October 1981 to help fund their anti-government campaigns. They targeted a Brink’s armored truck and stole $1.6 million from it in Rockland County.

Gunmen killed Brink’s security guard Peter Paige during the robbery before transferring the money to a U-Haul truck a mile away, where a 38-year-old Boudin sat in the cabin.

The truck was stopped by police at a roadblock, and Boudin immediately surrendered even though he was unarmed. Gunmen jumped out of the back of the truck and opened fire on the officers, killing two Long Island cops, Sgt. Edward O’Grady and Officer Waverly Brown.

In the death of Paige in 1984, she pleaded guilty to first-degree robbery and second-degree murder.

She was sentenced to 22 years in prison before being released on parole in 2003 for good behavior.

In 2008, she was hired as an adjunct professor by the Columbia School of Social Work Associate following her release from prison. In 2013, she was hired as a full-time professor, lecturing on issues that convicts and their families face when they are released from prison.

Gilbert, who worked as a getaway driver, was serving a 75-year-to-life sentence with no chance of parole until 2056. Gilbert is one of the last surviving members of the robbery.

Another former Weather Underground member, Judith Clark, served 35 years of a 75-year-to-life sentence for her role in the robbery at a shopping center in suburban Rockland County before Cuomo commuted her sentence in 2016. She was released on parole in 2019.


Kathy Boudin Death cause

Kathy Boudin, the mother of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, a formerly incarcerated prison reform advocate and alumna of the radical 1960s militant group The Weather Underground, died on Sunday after a multi-year battle with cancer. She was 78 years old at the time.

Her son, San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, confirmed her death on Sunday. “My mother fought cancer for seven years in her unwaveringly optimistic and courageous manner,” he said in a statement. “She made it long enough to meet her grandson and welcome my father home after 40 years in prison.” On Sunday, her fellow radical Bill Ayers paid tribute to her on his website.


Angela Davis, a civil rights activist, called her one of her “oldest friends.”

“We’ve known each other since high school, and we’ve worked against the prison industrial complex for the last 20 years or so since Kathy herself was released,” Davis said in a statement.

“She was a mother and fearless leader in the global movement for justice reform, social equality, and re-enfranchisement,” Jarrell E. Daniels, a formerly incarcerated staff member at Columbia’s Center for Justice, said in a statement. “Kathy was a legend who defied odds and pushed the boundaries for so many of us.” She will be remembered for the rest of her life.”

I hope we’ve resolved all the doubts about How did Kathy Boudin die!


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