Why AdSense Estimated Earnings is not working? Is it for you or for all?

Why AdSense Estimated Earnings is not working? Is it for you or for all?

AdSense has not been working for its users for around 6 hours. It mostly does not display the estimated earnings, as well as the performance update for today. Let’s see what happened, and why AdSense Estimated Earnings is not working.



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Is it for you or for everyone?

There is no need to panic; everyone is experiencing the same problem: all AdSense accounts are frozen, and estimated earnings are not updating.


Why AdSense Estimated Earnings is not working?

Typically, estimated earnings for a user are updated every 30 to 45 minutes, based on total views, RPM, impression, click, CPC, and Page CTR.

However, AdSense has not shown the estimated earnings for more than 6 hours. Furthermore, if you could see, you would be able to appreciate even yesterday’s analytics difference and estimated earnings difference for the last 2 hours. (Adsense has been down since around 11 a.m. central time in the United States today, June 4)

Despite this, there has been no official response. Twitter Adsense has not provided any updates on this issue.

It might be a bug or technical difficulties, and they are most likely working on it. Anyway, all eyes are on Adsense Twitter for an update on this issue and a quick resolution.

However, if you link your Adsense account to your GA, you can see the actual total earnings there in Google Analytics. You must link both accounts in order to access this under behavior overview.


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