Dr. Arne Burkhardt death: Pathologist professor dies aged 79


_Dr. Arne Burkhardt death Pathologist professor dies aged 79

We regret to inform you of the passing of Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt, a popular pathologist. He was one of the leading figures in the fight for the truth and in the analysis of the damage caused by vaccination which meant sickness, disability, and death for many people.

Prof. Arne Burkhardt was one of the most important minds at the pathology conference, who did invaluable work in enlightenment – undeterred and brave in the face of mainstream hatred and slander. The globe will continue to be impacted by his work. Read ahead to know more about Arne Burkhardt death.

Dr. Arne Burkhardt death

The pathologist Prof. Arne Burkhardt (1944-2023), whose educational work on the dangerous mRNA injections was highly valued, died suddenly and unexpectedly.

Prof. Dr. Medical Arne Burkhardt, a courageous enlightener and fighter for the truth behind gene therapy, which was wrongly called vaccination, died yesterday at the age of 79. 

The renowned Reutlingen pathologist Prof. Dr. Medical Arne Burkhardt is one of the most critical and reliable pathologists. His many years of professional experience make him a proven expert on the subject: Histologically detectable vaccine damage after using mRNA substances as vaccines.

Prof. Burkhardt is a highly experienced pathologist who has conducted and supervised some 40,000 autopsies in his working life, published hundreds of scientific papers, and taught at the Universities of Hamburg and Tübingen in Germany, and the University of Bern in Switzerland, among others.

This MWGFD also reported the death of Arne Burkhardt on June 2, 2023:

We are deeply shocked. Our dearest friend and incomparable colleague, Professor Dr. Arne Burkhard has left us. Our sympathy and sympathy goes to his family, who we wish superhuman strength in this difficult time. With Arne we have lost such a great, wonderful person, our souls weep with pain.

He was also such an experienced and knowledgeable pathologist as there are few. And he embodied boldness and honesty. After retirement, he returned to work to devote his life to serving people and humanity. 

His work has confirmed and backed up with scientific data all of our predictions about the dangers of vaccination. He gave a voice to the dead and now speaks to us from the stars with them. Good, dear Arne, we hear you.

We will continue your unique work and walk the path of truth to the end. Arne, even though you are no longer with us, you live in our hearts and your memory will be an inexhaustible source of strength, inspiration, and hope for us.

Arne Burkhardt cause of death

It is with deep regret and infinite gratitude that we bid farewell to Professor Arne Burkhardt. A beacon of truth and justice has ceased to burn, but its light will live on within us.

He was a man with a big heart who was an example of integrity and humanity to all of us. Our respect for him is immeasurable and we owe him so much.

He dedicated his life to the struggle for truth and justice and for that we should give him our deepest gratitude and respect. Let’s honor his memory by carrying the echo of his message and keeping his legacy alive.

The fact of his death was not made public and we should refrain from all speculation and wait and see. He had people around who are sure to get to the bottom of this and if they find it necessary they will let us know.

At this time of mourning and remembrance, it is important to emphasize his merits and influence. Let’s pay tribute to him by spreading his messages and making sure his work and impact are not forgotten.

He was one of the great figures of our time and will surely have his place in the history books. With deep gratitude, we show him our respect for his commitment.

Our hearts and thoughts are with his loved ones at this difficult time. Thank you, Professor Arne Burkhardt. You didn’t go quietly, you spoke loudly and fearlessly for what you believed in. Rest in peace.

Who was Arne Burkhardt? 

Arne Burkhardt (born 1944 ) is a German retired pathologist. In 2021, Burkhardt, along with his retired colleague Walter Lang, made unverified claims that the autopsies of ten deceased patients showed that they had died from injuries caused by vaccines against covid-19.

This was presented at a conference they organized themselves. In the same year, he published a report together with Sucharit Bhakdi in which it was claimed that in 14 out of 15 patients autopsied after dying after covid vaccination, clear signs of organ failure resulting from an autoimmune reaction were found.

The claims have been refuted by other subject specialists. The tissue samples that Burkhardt had analyzed had been submitted by relatives who suspected the vaccine as the cause of death. 

Like Bhakdi, Burkhardt is a member of Mediziner und Wissenschaftler für Gesundheit, Freiheit und Demokratie, an organization created in 2020 as a protest against the authorities’ infection prevention measures.

Also, he has attended a committee hearing in the Bundestag at the invitation of the Alternative für Deutschland party, which has drawn criticism. 

The doctor’s passing has been mourned by family and friends on social media.

Kornelia Lein Dissident human rights defender tweeted,

Pathologist Prof. Arne Burkhardt (1944-2023) Kruse writes: “On the unexpected death of the pathologist Prof. Em. Arne Burkhardt, who has rendered outstanding services in solving one of the greatest crimes against humanity, who helped my team with our criminal complaint.

Doreen Peter tweeted,

His sudden death hit me very hard. My deepest sympathy and condolences go out to his family, friends, and companions. Prof. Arne My thanks go to Burkhardt for his fight for truth and honesty.

Florian Machl tweeted,

My obituary for the unforgettable, great German pathologist Prof. Arne Burkhardt, whom I was last able to meet personally in Munich two months ago.


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5 thoughts on “Dr. Arne Burkhardt death: Pathologist professor dies aged 79”

  1. Whenever an exposer of the nefarious death shots dies unexpectedly, it is only reasonable to assume they were eliminated, until evidence can be produced that it was not so. The same applies to the 120 holistic doctors, taken out by the CIA on behalf of Big Pharma.

  2. A very brave man who wished only the best for the rest of us – finding infamy deceit and falsehood attempting to halt his progress to the truth of the despicable Harmaceutical Pharmafia.
    He will be able to rest in peace when all the evil has been expunged from the faux scientists by others who will complete his work.
    Then he will rest in peace and we will sleep more soundly and safer in our beds at night.


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