Amy Eitemiller Morrison death: Voice teacher, SD, passed away after a battle with cancer

Amy Eitemiller Morrison cause of death. (Source: Facebook)
Amy Eitemiller Morrison cause of death. (Source: Facebook)


Amy Eitemiller Morrison, Voice teacher from South Dakota, passed away. Amy Eitemiller Morrison was the individual that shone the brightest and was the most vivacious. She was a clever, vivacious, and amazing woman. She gave many voices inspiration and did the same for countless others. Now that she is gone, the world looks a little bit more dull since she made it so lively. Amy will be deeply missed. Keep reading to  know more about Amy Eitemiller Morrison and her cause of death in detail.


Who was Amy Eitemiller Morrison?

Amy Eitemiller Morrison was a voice and piano instructor in addition to being a general musical whiz.

She previously held the position of Worship Arts Director at Mitchell Fusion and was an adjunct voice professor at the University of Sioux Falls.

She attended Sheldon High School and went on to study choral conducting at the University of Northern Colorado and applied vocal music at the University of South Dakota.


How did Amy Eitemiller Morrison die?

Amy Eitemiller Morrison, a voice and piano instructor and all-around skilled musician, passed away on August 5, 2023.

Matt Morrison, her husband, posted the heartbreaking information on Facebook.

He wrote,

“It is with much grief that I have to announce that @amy_e_morrison passed away this morning after a long, brilliant fight with cancer. Many who knew her wouldn’t have even known she was sick for much of the last ten years. This summer saw setback after setback, but she fought to the end opening a multi-teacher voice studio, teaching lessons, coaching and mentoring, and pouring words of life and encouragement into others to the very last.
Thank you for following us on the journey with this little project that came to mean so much to us as we sang love songs to each other and let others eavesdrop. Much love and peace to you all.

Additionally, he posted on Amy’s Facebook page that she had quietly transitioned to the next life, leaving her loved ones with aching hearts.

He wrote,

“This morning, we let Amy go. She slipped peacefully out of this world to the next and while our hearts are broken, we are so thankful she no longer suffers.

My love, my muse, my great adventure. Fly free knowing you live on in the lives of the countless people you have known and loved. Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Amy was loved and generously shared her musical talents with everyone. She personified strength. Even under the most difficult conditions, she never failed to grin. Such a significant loss has occurred. One of the best persons to ever live was lost by everyone. She was top-notch.Our thoughts and prayers are with Matt, Xander, Vincent, Maia, and family.


Amy Eitemiller Morrison cause of death

Amy Eitemiller Morrison passed away after a protracted, valiant battle with cancer.

Most people who knew her wouldn’t have even recognized that she was ill for the majority of the previous ten years. This summer she faced setback after setback, but she fought until the very last, developing a multi-teacher voice studio, giving lessons, coaching, and mentoring others, and doing so until her very last breath.

Matt provided a brief health update on Amy two days ago because the past several weeks have been challenging. However, they have bottomed out and, as of the previous check, were still less than half the value required to start therapy. He had been expecting that her platelet counts would rise back to the level they would need to be at to move on to the next round of treatment.

Additionally, she has been weaker and more fatigued than usual for the past week, which raises questions about how well she might tolerate treatment at this time, if it were even possible.

Since continuing treatment was not an option at the time, Matt decided to set up home hospice care in the hopes that the extra tools hospice would bring to her care would help her manage her pain better and possibly allow her to regain some of her energy, personality, and clarity.

Sadly, though, her health deteriorated and she passed away after a valiant battle with cancer.

The funeral arrangements for Amy Eitemiller Morrison will be made public at a later time, according to the family. This suggests that the family is making preparations and will give the required information about his passing and the planned burial ceremony as soon as possible.


Tributes to Amy Eitemiller Morrison

Everyone, including friends and family, is currently exhausted from grieving for Amy Eitemiller Morrison, thinking about her, praying for her afterlife, and posting condolences on social media.

Gavin Wigg wrote: “Saddened at the passing but relieved at no more pain, Amy Eitemiller Morrison . It was years ago her battle with cancer started, at All City Elementary. Our girls and I took voice lessons from her, and Pearl Wigg was close elementary school friends with Amy and Matt’s daughter, Maia. Hoping and praying for mental and emotional recovery for the fam. This lady was loved and she shared her musical gifts with everyone So sorry, Matt Morrison .”

Zach Dresch wrote: “RIP Amy Eitemiller Morrison. It was an honor to get to play music with you and get to know you over the years. You were the definition of the word strong. You always had a smile on your face even in the most difficult times. The last time I saw you was at my last headlining show at Boss’ last month. Even though you were in a lot of pain, it meant the world to me you were front row. This is such a huge loss. We lost one of the best people ever. She was the best. My heart goes out to Matt, Xander, Vincent, Maia and family. If you need anything at all, please let me know. RIP Amy, you’re at peace now. 💔💔

One of the worst things anyone can go through in life is losing a loved one. Any journey must have a destination at the end. The person’s time on earth has regrettably come to an end now that they have died. We wish her eternal peace and send our thoughts and prayers to her loved ones, family, friends. May she rest in peace.

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